Fresh starts are my favorite. New year, new month, new season, new week, even a new day. We have the chance to wake-up and have a fresh start. This new site is a fresh start for me too!
I have been blogging for a looong time. For over 12 years actually. I started blogging way back before Phil and I were even married! I blogged about our engagement, wedding plans, school. Then it was about our new home, and jobs, and life as newly weds. I blogged my way through Europe on a 3 weeks adventure. I blogged through infertility and then the arrival of our twins. But after that, blogging slowed down. Not because I didn't have things to say, but, I didn't make time to say them.
Fear, worry, time, who knows, but I miss it. I was never a journaler growing up, but there is something freeing in writing, and I see that blogging in fact was my 'journal'.
I am not sure what this space will hold, and where it will go. Probably filled wiht momisms, life with twins plus one, diys and home decor, coffee, essential oils, getting healthier, physically and mentally, and some mental health too! I want it to be my little corner, where I share what is happening in our life, things I love and ideas I want to share, I hope you join me too!
Thanks for stopping by!